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What Coverages Do I Need?
Knowing what is best for your organization when it comes to insurance coverage can be overwhelming.  We are here to walk you through and understand your coverages with NIT's package policy.

Below are our standard lines of coverage with a brief definition.  
Standard Lines

Buildings Coverage: Includes buildings and structures and any completed additions. Permanently installed fixtures, machinery and equipment are also included.

Commercial Property

Provides business auto liability insurance for cars, trucks, trailers, vans or other vehicles designed for use on public roads.

Business Auto 

EPL is protection for organization against claims made by employees alleging discrimination, wrongful termination, harassment, and other employment-related issues.

Employment Practices Liability 

Professional Liability is intended for liability accusations and/or claims from a third-party due to your human services act, error or omission. 

Professional Liability

A fidelity bond is a form of insurance protection that covers policyholders for losses that they incur as a result of fraudulent acts by specified individuals (embezzlement), along with meeting ERISA requirements.

Crime & Fidelity

Fiduciary Liability Insurance protects individuals (employees or board members) against legal liability for claims arising out of their roles in the capacity as a “Trustee” of an organizations retirement (or similar) plan.

Fudiciary Liability

Excess policy's coverage is triggered when the limits of the underlying insurance have been exhausted.  

Umbrella/Excess Liability

General liability insurance is coverage that can protect you from a variety of claims including bodily injury, property damage, personal injury and others that can arise from your business operations.

General Liability

Coverage is provided for an alleged inappropriate decision of the board member(s) serving in the capacity as a director or officer of the organization where the insured organization is liable for damages. Coverage also pays for defense costs.

Directors & Officers 

Coverage is provided for electronic data, computer programs, business interruption, extortion threats, security and privacy breaches (including credit protection services) and media liability for defamation, libel, slander, etc.

Cyber/Data Breach Liability

Coverage provided for sexual abuse/molestation claims.

Sexual Abuse/Molestation

IM is for property in transit over land, certain types of moveable property, instrumentalities of transportation (such as bridges, roads, and piers, instrumentalities of communication and legal liability exposures of bailees.)

Inland Marine

Protection for organization for an error or omission in the administration of your employee benefit plan(s). (i.e. not advising employees of benefits, neglecting to add a new participant, etc.)

Employee Benefits Liability

Minnesota state law has required all companies, large and small, (with limited exceptions) to carry workers' compensation insurance. Workers' compensation provides medical and wage replacement benefits to employees injured as a result of work-related tasks. 

Workers' Compensation


Phone: 952.469.5963​​ -  Fax: 952.469.4553  -  Email Us​​

Nonprofit Insurance Trust​​
21034 Heron Way, Ste 107, Lakeville MN  55046
@ Copyright 2024 Nonprofit Insurance Trust. All Rights Reserved

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